Talkpool’s 2 new IoT indoor air quality sensors
Talkpool Article, November 12th, 2019
Talkpool released 2 new indoor air quality sensors at the start of November. The OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2, temperature and humidity sensor, and the OY1700 LoRaWAN Particles, temperature and humidity sensor are commercially available.
The sensor devices have been developed in Talkpool’s IoT headquarters in Sweden and are produced locally as well, to ensure a high quality standard. “During the last weeks of October we’ve done our final testing and we got in the first factory batch. We have also finalized the CE and LoRaWAN certifications. All in all we are ready for a successful launch.”, says Stefan Lindgren, CTO at Talkpool.
OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2, temperature and humidity sensor
During the past year, Talkpool already had a LoRaWAN device on the market that measures carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity, namely its OY1200 unit. The experience with this device has led to the creation of the new version, the OY1210 unit, which has been optimized in the aspects of costs and performance. The sensor device supports 5 years of battery life with a transmission interval of 20 minutes. Furthermore, built-in functionality allows for extra transmissions within those 20 minutes, if carbon dioxide levels rise faster than 100 ppm in comparison to the latest transmission. This allows for ventilation systems to adjust to a rapid increase in carbon dioxide.
There are a variety of use cases supported by this new indoor air quality sensor. A great value lies in energy savings in buildings, where ventilation is optimized with actual climate and air-quality data from the building. The heating and cooling system of existing building can be easily upgraded with the battery driven wireless sensors, and the data is integrated into the existing HVAC system. Furthermore, the trend for good indoor air quality continues, with facility managers, schoolboards and commercial building owners taking note of the importance of good indoor air quality for productivity and wellness, and more and more regulations backing them up. Thirdly, there are a wide range of industrial applications, such as measuring indoor climate in greenhouses or in hazardous environments.
OY1700 LoRaWAN Particles, temperature and humidity sensor
Measuring particles is something Talkpool has been involved with in outdoor environments and will now bring to indoor environments as well. The OY1700 sensor device measures small particles causing health issues, i.e. particulate matters PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0.. The smaller the particles, the more dangerous to human health, as they get stuck deep inside the lungs and even reach the bloodstream. The device is powered by AC, 24V or USB cable so it can support a laser scattering measurement method, through which the device can very accurately measure the amount of particles of each size. Through insights in the amount of particulate matters it can be ensured that the indoor air is health, or if air filters, air cleaners or other dust preventing solutions has to be installed.
Senseair, Talkpool’s trusted partner
Talkpool works through partnerships with domain experts to develop its IoT solutions. Senseair is Talkpool’s trusted partner when it comes to indoor air quality. “We greatly enjoy our partnership with Senseair, who bring world-leading expertise about air quality sensing into the solutions”, says Stefan Lindgren, CTO at Talkpool. Senseair develops sensors and solutions in the fields of indoor and outdoor air quality, alcohol screening, gas alarms, life science, and transportation. “For us it is very exciting to work with Talkpool, who are on top of the Internet of Things technology and business developments. For many applications of our sensors today, connectivity is an essential part”, says Peter Lageson, CEO at Senseair.