All about Talkpool’s new OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter

Talkpool Article, March 10th, 2020

In November of 2019 Talkpool released its new OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter for indoor air quality. What makes this IoT device so unique? The device is market leading in the area of security and quality. It enables applications that are a primary example of how IoT drives optimal use of resources and improves human well-being.


A big problem in the market today is the lack of security on hardware level. The world counts billions of connected devices, a number which is expected to continue growing every day. How do we ensure that all these devices are secure? In our view, it is crucial that security is built-in already in the design stage. That’s why all Talkpool’s IoT sensor devices have built-in hardware security features. One of the main security features is the presence of a cryptographic co-processor, for hardware based security key storage. The OY1210 is no exception here, as it is up-to-date with Talkpool’s latest security technology.

Use cases

Another problem with IoT devices today is the lack of functionality to support the real life applications. That makes the question relevant, what are the typical use cases of the OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter? It is mainly used in ‘smart buildings’, for indoor air quality monitoring and control of HVAC.

One the one hand, there is an increase in awareness of the negative effects of bad indoor air quality. Most of our time is spent indoors, and high levels of CO2 lead to significantly decreased performance and a headache. This is why facility management but also for example schools take an interest in monitoring indoor air quality, as their goal is to create an environment in which people feel well and are productive.

On the other hand, one of the main drivers for the demand into this IoT technology is the need for sustainability. By measuring the indoor air quality levels, the HVAC systems can be activated ‘on-demand’. This optimization of the systems is very important for real estate owners that want their properties to qualify for leading standards for sustainability, such as BREEAM and LEEDS. On top of that, there is a financial gain associated with the energy savings that can be accomplished by this application.

Market-fit design

To create the best possible sensor for these use cases, a special design feature for optimizing battery lifetime has been implemented. First of all, the device contains 2 high quality batteries, that allow for a maintenance free lifetime of over 5 years plus 1 year of storage. This calculation has been based upon the worst case scenario, i.e. when the connectivity is very bad and data transmission has to be done on the highest possible spread factor, and even includes a safety margin.

The device transmits temperature, humidity and CO2 level data every 20 minutes. However, the device measures these attributes every minute. If CO2 levels have risen faster than 100ppm since the last transmission, the device will start a new transmission of the data. This functionality activates at values over 750ppm, i.e. when the CO2 is at a level where the ventilation systems need to be activated. Because of this smart feature of the device, there is no long delay between the moment that for example a meeting- or classroom fills up with people (increasing the CO2 levels rapidly) and the ventilation system activates, while still allowing for a long battery life of the device. The device self-calibrates on a weekly basis and thereby is completely maintenance free. For the air quality measurement components Talkpool works together with Senseair, domain expert and market leader.

For easy installation of the device the installer can either fix the sensor on the wall with the screws or the double-sided tape that come along in the box. This is typically done within the breathing range, i.e. approximately 120 – 180 cm above the floor. There is an activation button on the device, with an LED status indicator, for connection to the network servers. Finally, there are solutions that allow for the installer to simply scan the QR code to securely add the device on the network servers, such as the integration Talkpool has done to The Things Industries’ join-servers.

Interested in trying out the OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter? Reach out to IoT.sales@talkpool.com and get your sample today!

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